International Workshop Explored Digital Skills for Accelerating Innovation and Growth

University del Salento, Lecce, Italy – 15-19 April, 2024


In a bid to foster digital transformation and innovation, the University of Salento organized an international workshop titled "Accelerating Digital Innovation and Growth with the Right Digital Skills." The workshop, which took place from April 15th to April 19th, 2024, was organized as part of the U2SID project, aimed at advancing digital competencies and ensuring inclusive digital transformation.


The U2SID project, which supported the development and uptake of digital skills, emphasized the pivotal role of digital skills in driving comprehensive growth across various sectors. It targeted the enhancement of digital competencies among educators, students, and professionals through the development of a Digital Literacies Acceleration program.


Distinguished speakers including academic professors, industry experts, and practitioners convened to delve into topics crucial for digital evolution, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analysis. The workshop provided a platform for vibrant discussions, knowledge exchange, and networking opportunities, fostering collaboration among participants.


The scientific committee, comprised of Valentina Ndou  and Gioconda Mele, orchestrated a series of insightful sessions spanning two days, encompassing diverse themes crucial for harnessing digital skills to drive innovation and growth.


The event commenced with a warm institutional welcome delivered by Professor Antonio Ficarella, Director of the Department of Innovation Engineering, followed by esteemed speakers including Professor Giuseppina Passiante, Director of the MS&E lab, and Professor Gennaro Scarselli, Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, among others.


Day one took center stage, shedding light on AI applications within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), probing into ethical dimensions and real-world project implementations. Notable figures like Prof.ssa Fiorella Battaglia and Prof.ssa Giustina Secundo  held the audience spellbound with their profound insights and expertise.


Day two delved into digital skills pertinent to digital transformation, with a focus on blockchain, IoT, big data analysis, and emerging technologies like AR/VR and 3D printing. Esteemed experts including prof. Lucio De Paolis  and prof. Carola CORCIONE shared their expertise, shedding light on the potential applications and benefits of these technologies.


We also delve into the intersection of sustainability and digital transformation. Prof. Pasquale del Vecchio, Associate Professor from LUM University, guided the participants through the principles of eco-design and its crucial role in fostering sustainable digital transformation. The session culminated with an engaging speech by Professor Gianluca Elia , who delved into the intricacies of the Technology Entrepreneurship Ecosystem.


The workshop also included interactive sessions, discussions, and networking opportunities aimed at fostering collaboration and exploration of innovative solutions. Additionally, attendees had the chance to engage with professors from the University of Salento and visit various research labs, further enriching their learning experience.


There was held also the Steering Committee Meeting where there were discussed important issues of the project, activities, deliveries and tasks realized and next steps.


The event was also significant for the networking and discussions on future collaboration between our institutions.


The event, held at the Conference Room Rectorate, University del Salento, Piazza Tancredi, Lecce, was a cornerstone in advancing digital skills and shaping the future of digital innovation and growth.


Scientific Committee: Valentina Ndou ; Gioconda Mele