Internal meetings of NASRI team


On 26th October 2023, at NASRI premises, it was held an internal meeting in the framework of the WP2 of the U2SID project. Team members of the U2SID project met with each other to discuss on the important tasks that need to be done In the framework of the implementation of the Erasmus + U2SID project and the plan of activities,  Regarding the Partner Engagement Strategy of this project and the Management of the Consultation Database .


On 22th November 2023, at NASRI premises, it was held an internal meeting in the framework of the WP2 of the U2SID project. Team members of the U2SID project met with each other to discuss on the important tasks that need to be done for the Task 2.1.1 Need assessment and pre-evaluation survey of digital literacies within WP2, as well as, to take notes on the role of NASRI and it`s responsibilities.