Focus Group with students at University of Shkoder “Luigj Gurakuqi” In the framework of Digital Literacies Programme


Shkoder, on 23 November 2023


On November 23, 2023, a meeting was held at the University of Shkoder “Luigj Gurakuqi” with a focus group of students. The purpose of this meeting was to gather qualitative data from students regarding their experiences, challenges, and needs related to digital skills, digital tools, AI, and machine learning. To facilitate a more meaningful discussion, there were selected nine students from various faculties, including both Bachelor's and Master's levels.


The focus group was moderated by Dr. Brikene Dionizi  and Dr. Merise Rukaj . There were a lot valuable suggestions provided by the students. This focus group is a valuable added value to the research methods being used to get insights on the Digital Literacies at the University of Shkoder “Luigj Gurakuqi”.

