Focus Group with stakeholders of the University of Shkoder "Luigj Gurakuqi" In the Framework of WP2 Digital Literacies Programme

23 November 2023
In the premises of the University of Shkoder "Luigj Gurakuqi", Economic Faculty, U2SID Project “Needs Assessment”, on Friday 23 of November was held the stakeholder meeting session.
The meeting was hosted by Dr. Brikene Dionizi and moderated by Dr. Erjola Barbullushi . There were present in this meeting, stakeholders from different backgrounds like banks, public institutions, non-profit organizations and enterprises, of nine representatives.
This was an opportunity to exchange ideas and future collaborations. We received valuable insights from stakeholders, which will help shape the future direction of the project. During the discussions were identified opportunities how to enhance digitalization efforts and drive toward innovation.